How old is Billy Andrade? When is Billy Andrade's birthday? Where is Billy Andrade born? Where did Billy Andrade grow up from? What's Billy Andrade's age?
Billy Andrade Born: January 25, 1964 (age 59years), Bristol, Rhode Island, United States
Is Billy Andrade married? When did Billy Andrade get married? Who's Billy Andrade's married to? (Who's Billy Andrade's husband / wife)?
Billy Andrade Spouse: Jody Andrade
How about Billy Andrade's sibling?
Billy Andrade Sibling: Jane Andrade
Does Billy Andrade have any children? What are the names of Billy Andrade's children? What are the ages of Billy Andrade's children?
Billy Andrade Children: Cameron Andrade, Grace Andrade
How about Billy Andrade's education?
Billy Andrade Education: Wake Forest University, Providence Country Day School
How about Billy Andrade's nationality?
Billy Andrade Nationality: American
How tall is Billy Andrade in meters or centimeters?
Billy Andrade Height: 1.75m
How many PGA wins does Billy Andrade have?
Mike Weir is making his 24th Masters appearance. In 2003, Weir defeated Len Mattiace in a playoff to win the Masters and become Canada's first male major champion. He led the field in scrambling that week, successfully getting up and down off of Augusta National's greens 26 of 34 times.
Has a Canadian ever won the Masters?
Mike Weir is making his 24th Masters appearance. In 2003, Weir defeated Len Mattiace in a playoff to win the Masters and become Canada's first male major champion. He led the field in scrambling that week, successfully getting up and down off of Augusta National's greens 26 of 34 times.