Rick Harrison is an American businessman and television personality, best known as one of the stars of the reality TV series “Pawn Stars.” The show, which premiered on the History Channel in 2009, follows the daily operations of the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, which is owned and operated by Harrison and his family. Harrison is often portrayed as the tough and shrewd negotiator who evaluates items brought into the shop by customers and determines their value. Harrison has been married four times and in this post, we will take a look at who his daughter is.
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Rick Harrison Biography
Harrison, born on March 22, 1965, in Davidson, North Carolina, grew up in a family of pawnbrokers. His childhood was spent working in his father’s pawn shop in San Diego, California, where he learned the trade and became a skilled appraiser and negotiator at a young age.
After leaving school, Harrison worked as a busboy and construction worker, before returning to the pawn shop business. In the late 1980s, he moved to Las Vegas with his father and opened the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, which became a successful business and attracted customers from around the world.
Harrison’s expertise in appraising items and business acumen led him to become one of the stars of the reality TV series “Pawn Stars” in 2009. The show was a hit, and he quickly became a household name. He has since appeared on other television shows and authored a book about his experiences in the pawnshop industry.
Harrison has been married three times. He first married his high school sweetheart, Kim, in 1982, but they divorced in 1985. He then married Tracy in 1986, and they had two children together before divorcing in 2011. Harrison married Deanna Burditt in 2013 and remains with her to this day.
Does Rick Harrison Of Pawn Stars Have A Daughter?
Rick Harrison has no daughter. He shares two sons, Richard Corey Harrison and Adam Harrison, with his first wife, Kim Harrison. He also has a third son named Jake. Rick Harrison