This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is "The Void Singularity" which smooshes every minion you summon into a demon. At the end of each turn, every minion you summoned gets smashed together into one Void Demon with the same stats. It's a Wild Brawl where you can construct your own deck, with only mild limitations. All egg cards like Dragon Egg and Devilsaur Egg are banned, including Kindly Grandmother, Inner Fire and Divine Spirit .

Best Decks and Classes for Hearthstone The Void Singularity Tavern Brawl

This Brawl is fun but can be easily abused with the right class. Hunter and Priest have a huge collection of Deathrattle minions, which are stupidly powerful in this Brawl. Getting an immediate bonus at the start of your opponent's turn is an opportunity that's hard to pass up. Being able to bring your ball of stat minions back to life with Resurrect or Twilight's Call is too good to pass up. Voodoo Doll and N'zoth can change the tide of a game just by hitting the board, so it's all about card draw.

Here are a few minions that every deck should have if you want the best chance of winning. Some of them are from past sets that aren't worth crafting if you don't play Wild.

Sylvanus- I don't think there's a more powerful minion in this Brawl. Summoning her immediately gives you a 6/6 Void monster and whatever minion your enemy has. It allows you to have two targets for Deadly Shot and have more board control for a turn. In my dozen or so games, I played this zombified Night Elf the turn I drew her.

Treasure Chest- What was originally a troll card that wasn't even worth Arena play, has begun an amazing opportunity in this Tavern Brawl. Getting to draw two cards every turn and having four health to stick on your Void monster is a fairly good deal.

Carinervous Cube- This card is busted and should have been banned. You kill whatever you have, only to get two more of them at the end of the turn. You need this if you want the win.

Da Undataka- Technically N'zoth is better, but this angry wrestler is more fun. Throw him down and see what powerful minion Deathrattles you can get out of it.

Here's the deck list that I've been using to win. All you really need is a Hunter with Savannah Highmane and any other Deathrattles you have in your collection to be fine. I just don't get to use Dr. Boom enough, so he's here. The Hearthstone reddit has different decklists that don't require nearly as many odd cards.

Deck List:

2x (1) Fiery Bat

1x (1) Play Dead

2x (1) Webspinner

1x (2) Bomb Toss

2x (2) Glaivezooka

2x (2) Haunted Creeper

1x (2) Huge Toad

1x (3) Deadly Shot

2x (3) Kill Command

2x (3) Spider Bomb

2x (4) Arena Treasure Chest

1x (4) Explodinator

1x (4) Exploding Bloatbat

1x (4) Piloted Shredder

2x (5) Carnivorous Cube

1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar

2x (6) Savannah Highmane

1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner

1x (7) Abominable Bowman

1x (7) Dr. Boom

1x (8) Da Undatakah

Deck Code:


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