How old is J. Z. Knight? When is J. Z. Knight's birthday? Where is J. Z. Knight born? Where did J. Z. Knight grow up from? What's J. Z. Knight's age?

J. Z. Knight Born: March 16, 1946 (age 77years), Roswell, New Mexico, United States

Is J. Z. Knight married? When did J. Z. Knight get married? Who's J. Z. Knight's married to? (Who's J. Z. Knight's husband / wife)?

J. Z. Knight Spouse: Jeffrey Knight (m. 19831989), Jeremy Wilder (m. ?1981), Caris Hensley

How about J. Z. Knight's parents?

J. Z. Knight Parents: Charles Hampton, Helen Hampton

Does J. Z. Knight have any children? What are the names of J. Z. Knight's children? What are the ages of J. Z. Knight's children?

J. Z. Knight Children: Brandy Knight, Christopher Knight

Who started Ramtha?

History. In 1988, J. Z. Knight founded Ramtha's School of Enlightenment (RSE), then called Ramtha's School of Enlightenment: The American Gnostic School, on her 80-acre (32 ha) estate in Yelm, Washington.

Is Ramtha based on a real person?

Controversy and criticism. Skeptics point to Ramtha's story as proof that he does not exist. Ramtha claims to come from the continent of Lemuria and to have conquered Atlantis. The existence of the two locations is considered of legendary nature, and neither has been found.
