Learn about Jo Ann Pflug Net Worth, Biography, Age, Birthday, Height, Early Life, Family, Dating, Partner, Wiki and Facts.

Who is Jo Ann Pflug:

Jo Ann Pflug is a famous Movie Actress. She was born on May 2, 1940 and her birthplace is Georgia. Jo is also well known as, Most famous for her roles in the 1970s films MASH, Where Does It Hurt? and Catlow, this Georgia-born actress also became known for voicing Invisible Girl on the Fantastic Four animated series in a late 1960s.

Jo is originated from United States. In the 1970s and early 1980s, she and Allen Funt co-hosted Candid Camera.


Bio / Wiki
Full NameJo Ann Pflug
Date of BirthMay 2, 1940
Place of BirthGeorgia
Star SignTaurus
CountryUnited States

Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign:

Jo Ann Pflug birthday is on 2-May-40 and she was born on Thursday. She is now 83 years old. Jo sun sign is Taurus and her birth flower is Hawthorn or Lily of the Valley.

Birth date2-May
Day of BirthThursday
Year of Birth1940
Birth SignTaurus
Birth Sign DualityPassive
Birth Sign Modality & ElementFixed Earth
Opposite SignScorpio

Height, Weight & Physical Stats:

Jo Ann Pflug is 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Height1.73 m ( 5′ 8″ )
Bust – Waist – HipN/A
Hair ColorN/A
Eye ColorN/A
Shoe SizeN/A

Early Life and Family:

Before she was famous, She studied broadcast journalism and history at the University of Miami and Rollins College. During her college years, she hosted a radio program called The Magic Carpet. Her relationship status is married. She is married to Chuck Woolery.

Family Information
Parents Name
Spouse NameChuck Woolery
Children Name
Number of Children(s)N/A
Partner NameN/A
Relative(s) Name



Jo Ann Pflug Net Worth:

Jo Ann Pflug net worth or net income is estimated to be $5 Million dollars. She has made such amount of wealth from her primary career as Movie Actress.

Net Worth$5 Million
Annual SalaryN/A
Source of IncomeMovie Actress
Verification Status of WealthVerified

Dead or Alive?

According to wikipedia latest update, she is still alive.

Quick Facts:

Here are some interesting facts about Jo Ann Pflug:

* In 1984, she originated the role of Taylor Chapin on the Telepictures soap opera Rituals.

* Jo Ann Pflug is an American actress.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why is Jo Ann Pflug famous?She is famous for being a successful Actress.Where is she from?She is from United States.How tall is she?Her height is 5′ 8″How much does she earn?$5 Million.Is she married?Married.How many children(s) does she have?N/A.

Reference : Wiki, StarsNetworths, Newspapers.
