In his film “Sound of Freedom,” renowned director Alejandro Monteverde depicts an unsettling and decaying state of affairs. The protagonist of the action movie is CIA agent Tim Ballard, who saves a young boy from vicious child traffickers. The federal agent quickly transforms into a vigilante and sets out on a deadly mission to liberate the children cruelly held captive in the depths of a Colombian forest, but after finding that the young boy’s sister is still being held captive.

The film exposes the harsh truths that exist all around us while weaving a story of heartbreaking trauma. The film serves as a sobering reminder of the implacable forces that coexist in our society, but it also inspires hope by showing that there are people who work tirelessly to protect such youngsters. ‘Sound of Freedom’, which is based on a genuine story, conveys a number of heartbreaking essential concepts. Therefore, if the story of compassion and trauma equally impacted you, here is a list of similar choices for you to watch. Several of these films, including “Sound of Freedom,” are available to stream on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.

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Eden (2012)

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The plot of “Eden” centres on Jae, a Korean-American teenager who is recruited into human trafficking by a stranger in a bar. In “Eden,” directed by Megan Griffiths, the grim realities of the contemporary white slave trade are explored. The plot changes multiple times as the young woman tries to follow her captors’ orders in an effort to survive. Similar to ‘Sound of Freedom,’ ‘Eden’ offers a prism into the impenetrable confines of human trafficking and sex slavery. Therefore, if the portrayal of the helpless victims in “Sound of Freedom” aroused your curiosity, you’ll find this story to be just as enthralling.

I Am All Girls (2021)

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Similar to Tim Ballard, this Netflix mystery tells the tale of a police officer who becomes a vigilante and embarks on a quest to find the people responsible for torturing young girls. Another true story-based film follows human trafficking inspector Jodie Snyman as she teams up with a serial murderer to bring down a large-scale child sex trafficking organisation. I Am All Girls follows a similar gritty thriller that even emphasises retribution, much like Tim Ballard’s efforts to bring perpetrators to justice and protect young children.

I Am Still Here (2017)

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The worst occurs for Layla when an innocent act of goodwill goes awry. The protagonist of “I Am Still Here” is a 10-year-old girl who tries to help a stranger. The situation suddenly changes though when she is taken from her family and forced into a life of sex slavery and child trafficking after being kidnapped. I Am Still Here examines the country’s deteriorating condition of affairs and demonstrates how slavery rings are covertly operating even in the most typical and everyday neighbourhoods.

This drama is similarly based on real events and focuses on the gritty issues that affect many young children around the world, much as “Sound of Freedom.” Similar to ‘Sound of Freedom,’ ‘I Am Still Here’ depicts a struggle for existence while living in despicable circumstances created by predators.

Lilya 4-ever (2002)

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‘Lilya 4-ever’ tells the narrative of Lilja Michailova, a little girl in the old Soviet Union who is abandoned by her mother and forced to fend for herself. The story is loosely based on the horrifying true story of Danguol Rasalait. The 16-year-old unwittingly becomes a sex trade victim when she chooses to trust the wrong stranger.

Lilya 4-ever also follows a profound appeal for compassion in the midst of abrasive and noisy exploitation, much like the unsettling yet fascinating premise of “Sound of Freedom.” Therefore, if you enjoyed the tragic dark discovery in “Sound of Freedom,” you’ll enjoy this vivisectional story of a dejected Russian teenager just as much.

Sold (2014)

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‘Sold’ chronicles the life of Lakshmi, a little girl from a remote Nepalese village, and is yet another tale that delves into the dreadful state of events that loom menacingly. After being offered work and opportunity, she chooses to travel to India in an effort to help her mother pay off her overwhelming debt. As she arrives in the nation, she discovers that the assurances of a better future were hollow and that she had been tricked into being sold into a brothel.

‘Sold’ was uncovered by a humanitarian photographer and is based on a similar initiative to free young girls and women from prostitution and sex slavery. Tillotama Shome, Gillian Anderson, Niyar Saikia, and David Arquette are among the cast members. So, if you enjoyed hearing about a rescue mission in “Sound of Freedom,” you’ll enjoy “Sold” just as much.

Sunrise (2014)

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‘Sunrise’ also chronicles the suffering of a government agent named Lakshman Joshi, who, like Tim Ballard, is driven by an innate obligation to embark on a hazardous mission. When Joshi’s little daughter goes missing, he is left helpless as he searches for her and attempts to come to terms with what might happen if she were to fall into the hands of the violent outcasts of society. The next movie to see should be Partho Sen-Gupta’s “Sunrise,” which tells the tale of a man sent on a mission to protect a little girl from vile social groups.

The Chosen Ones (2015)

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This heartbreakingly depressing story examines the abuse of power and tyranny. Sofia, a 14-year-old girl who lives with her mother and younger brother, is the focus of the narrative. Unaware Sofia, 14, is enticed into a prostitution ring by Ulise’s father and brother after falling in love with him, a young guy sent to seduce her.

The situation changes, though, when Ulise refuses to leave Sofia and is given the assignment of finding a replacement girl. The narrative illustrates the never-ending circle of injustice and crime by depicting the cunning and destructive loop of abuse and exploitation. This Mexican drama, which was directed by David Pablos, also imagines the same evil condition of affairs that results from brutal practises, making it the ideal film to see following “Sound of Freedom.”

Trade (2007)

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‘Trade’ focuses on the ubiquitous destruction of human trafficking by revealing the crumbling lives of three people. The plot is on a Texas police officer whose daughter has been kidnapped and forced into prostitution, a young Mexican man whose sister has been kidnapped and forced into prostitution, and a young Ukrainian woman who is seduced into prostitution by the promise of a better life. Director Marco Kreutzpaintner’s “Trade,” starring Kevin Kline, Cesar Ramos, and Alicja Bachleda, likewise depicts a struggle to save the helpless from a torturous practise.

Trade of Innocents (2012)

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The gripping drama “Trade of Innocents,” directed by Christopher Bessette, weaves grief and criminality together. It tells the journey of Claire and Alex, a couple who strive to rebuild their lives in Cambodia after losing their daughter a few years before. However, the pair decides to act after realising they are at the centre of a highly perilous state of affairs. Claire and Alex make the decision to set out on a journey to end the violent hatred that entangles these young ladies as girls in the neighbourhood start to become victims of sex slavery, sexual predators, and pimps.

‘Trade of Innocents’, starring Dermot Mulroney, Mira Sorvino, John Billingsley, Trieu Tran, and Thawanrat Tantituvanont, conveys a similar repulsive atmosphere that engulfs young girls and children into a lifetime of abominable circumstances. The characters of “Trade of Innocents” are driven by grief and a visceral sense of responsibility, and the film explores a number of themes that are shared with “Sound of Freedom.”

You Were Never Really Here (2017)

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‘You Were Never Really Here,’ another novel that calls for action, tells the account of a worn-out and traumatised mercenary who is recruited by a politician to free his daughter from a human trafficking organisation. The film, which stars Joaquin Phoenix as the title character, tells a similar tale of a hero who risks all to save a young girl. This film is the next one to watch because Joe, like Tim, is a jaded enforcer who sets out on a quest to rescue a lost teen from a life of forced prostitution and sex slavery.

Ayushi S
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