Sex Education Season 3 has finally debuted on Netflix. The British drama follows high school students attending the fictitious Moordale Secondary School. Often labeled the “sex school,” the students and staff are known to engage in sexual acts on campus. But now, the new headteacher, Hope (Jemima Kirk), is destined to get Moordale “back on track.” 

Although the teen drama is known for its explicit sex scenes, there was one particular scene that actor Mimi Keene was “embarrassed” to film.

There are numerous sex scenes in Sex Education Season 3 that are downright shocking. But, it wouldn’t be Sex Education without it. In the new season, Otis Milburn (Asa Butterfield) has casual sex with Ruby Matthews (Mimi Keene), the most popular girl in school. 

Otis and Ruby have multiple sex scenes together, whether in the front car seat or the school bathroom. However, one scene, in particular, was the most challenging for Keene to film – heads up; it’s not an awkward sex scene.

In an exclusive interview with Digital Spy, Keene revealed that rolling a blunt/weed was highly tricky for her to film. Due to Ruby’s long nails in the show, the actor found it difficult to do. “There was one scene where Ruby’s supposed to be rolling the weed. I had to do it. Ruby had very long nails, and there’s a really close-up shot,” she explained. 

Keene detailed the process, saying, “I’m doing this, and I’m trying to look like I’m really good at it because I’m trying to roll the end and tear it off. There were so many shots where I’m trying to – and I just ripped the whole thing. I was like, ‘Oh, for god’s sake.’ And then, in the end, I just had it in one hand and then pretended it was there. It was a little pretending.”

While the task was challenging at first, Keene performed the job with ease. “That was embarrassing. Yeah, that was a funny one for me,” she said. “But that was after a long day, and we were all a bit delusional by then, so it’s fine.”

‘Sex Education’ fans get to see a different side of Ruby 

Ruby’s involvement in the previous season was pretty minimal. For example, Ruby is the leader of the Untouchables, a popular clique in school. She was also called the Queen Bee of Moordale. But, viewers never see Ruby outside of that setting. Finally, fans get to see more of Ruby and her backstory in season 3. 

Ahead of the Sex Education Season 3 premiere, Keene sat down with Digital Spy and revealed fans would get to see a “different side” of Ruby. 

“It’s definitely a very different vibe for her this season,” Keene said. “It starts off very the same, and you sort of see her trying to hide, trying to keep things a secret that she doesn’t really want people to know, just to keep up her appearances.”

“That’s mainly what she does. But then as she becomes a sort of closer to someone,” she continued. “And then you start to see a little bit more, and a little bit more, which has been really fun for me. I’m really glad I got to do that with her.”

How to watch ‘Sex Education’ Season 3

The British drama series is only available to stream on Netflix. The Netflix app is downloadable on Apple devices, Android devices, and Windows devices. In addition, subscribers can access the official website by visiting the internet browser. Some devices like Samsung TVs and game consoles (Playstation/Xbox) have the Netflix application preinstalled. However, the membership fee is $13.99.

Sex Education Season 3 is streaming now on Netflix.
