Learn about Zoe Bell Net Worth, Biography, Age, Birthday, Height, Early Life, Family, Dating, Partner, Wiki and Facts.

Who is Zoe Bell:

Zoe Bell is a famous Movie Actress. She was born on November 17, 1978 and her birthplace is Auckland, New Zealand. Zoe is also well known as, Stunt double best known for filling in for or Lucy Lawless in Xena: Warrior Princess and for Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. She also played herself in the 2007 Quentin Tarantino film Death Proof. She appeared in another Tarantino film, The Hateful Eight, in 2015.

Zoe is originated from New Zealand. She has appeared as a stunt double on many TV shows, including a 2005 episode of Alias, which starred Jennifer Garner.


Bio / Wiki
Full NameZoe Bell
Date of BirthNovember 17, 1978
Place of BirthAuckland, New Zealand
Star SignScorpio
CountryNew Zealand

Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign:

Zoe Bell birthday is on 17-Nov-78 and she was born on Friday. She is now 45 years old. Zoe sun sign is Scorpio and her birth flower is Chrysanthemum.

Birth date17-Nov
Day of BirthFriday
Year of Birth1978
Birth SignScorpio
Birth Sign DualityPassive
Birth Sign Modality & ElementFixed Water
Opposite SignTaurus

Height, Weight & Physical Stats:

Zoe Bell is 5 feet 8 inches tall. Other body measurement information is not avaiable.

Height1.73 m ( 5 ft 8 in )
Bust – Waist – HipN/A
Hair ColorN/A
Eye ColorN/A
Shoe SizeN/A

Early Life and Family:

Before she was famous, She began to develop her craft through Gymnastics and Taekwon-Do at a very young age. Zoe briefly dated Gerard Butler, whom she worked with on the science fiction film, Gamer, in 2009.

Family Information
Parents NameN/A
Spouse NameN/A
Children NameN/A
Number of Children(s)N/A
Partner NameN/A
Relative(s) NameN/A



Zoe Bell Net Worth:

Zoe Bell net worth or net income is estimated to be $2 Million dollars. She has made such amount of wealth from her primary career as Actor, Stunt Performer, Film Producer.

Net Worth$2 Million
Annual SalaryN/A
Source of IncomeMovie Actress
Verification Status of WealthVerified

Dead or Alive?

According to our database, Zoe is still alive.

Quick Facts:

Here are some interesting facts about Zoe Bell:

* In 2008, she appeared in four episodes of the popular ABC series Lost, portraying the character Regina.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why is Zoe Bell famous?She is famous for being a successful Actress.Where is she from?She is from New Zealand.How tall is she?Her height is 5′ 8″.How much does she earn?$2 Million.Is she married?Marital information in not available.How many children(s) does she have?Not available.

Reference : Wiki, StarsNetworths, Magazines and Newspapers.
